Renowned anime director Tatsuyuki Nagai, celebrated scriptwriter Mari Okada, and accomplished character designer Masayoshi Tanaka join forces for their latest creation, “Fureru,” a feature-length theatrical animation set to hit screens in the fall of 2024. The collaboration, jointly distributed by industry giants Toho and Aniplex, was officially announced on December 6, 2023.
Accompanying the announcement was the launch of the official website, a special video release, and a teaser visual featuring three enigmatic figures with peculiar small creatures—details of which remain undisclosed.
According to Director Tatsuyuki Nagai, “Fureru” tells the tale of an expressive-challenged young man encountering a creature with mysterious abilities, intertwining the lives of three individuals. Noteworthy is the departure from conventional anime norms, featuring young adults rather than adolescents as central characters, promising an unparalleled cinematic experience.
The trio, Nagai, Okada, and Tanaka, renowned for their work on “Toradora!” in 2011, is recognized as a formidable team that consistently delivers impactful and critically acclaimed anime. Their past collaborations include emotionally resonant works such as “We still don’t know the name of the flower we saw that day,” “My Heart Wants to Scream,” and “The One Who Knows the Blueness of the Sky.”
Backed by major anime production company Aniplex and production managers STORY Inc., known for their works directed by Naoko Yamada, “Fureru” is poised to be a significant anime undertaking. With animation production by CloverWorks and distribution by Toho and Aniplex, anticipation builds for a groundbreaking addition to the world of anime storytelling.