Samsung Electronics Co. revealed the Galaxy S24 series on Wednesday, marking a significant advancement in the smartphone market with its emphasis on artificial intelligence. The series, introduced at the Galaxy Unpacked 2024 event, includes three models: the Galaxy S24, Galaxy S24 Plus, and the premium Galaxy S24 Ultra with a titanium frame. This launch represents Samsung’s attempt to redefine the mobile ecosystem, which is currently led by Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android.
The highlight of the series is the new Circle to Search function, a collaborative effort with Google. This feature allows users to obtain real-time information about objects or individuals on their screen simply by circling them, streamlining internet searches and enhancing convenience. The Galaxy S24 Ultra, in particular, stands out with its titanium construction, a first for Samsung, positioning it as a direct competitor to Apple’s iPhone 15 series.
In addition to the Circle to Search function, the Galaxy S24 series boasts a range of AI-driven features. These include real-time translation, a personal assistant service, and the Note Assist function, which can summarize lengthy documents and translate text into over 13 languages. The AI Live Translate Call app further enhances the series’ capabilities, enabling real-time translation during phone calls without requiring third-party applications. These features are all powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor from Qualcomm, with the non-Ultra models featuring Samsung’s own Exynos 2400 processor.
Samsung’s strategy with the Galaxy S24 series, particularly the price increase for the S24 Ultra, reflects its ambition to reclaim the top spot in the global smartphone market, a position currently held by Apple. With pre-orders starting January 19th and the launch in selected markets, including Korea, on January 31st, Samsung is set to make a significant impact on the industry with its latest AI-powered innovations.