CyberAgent, known for its growing focus on the animation industry, has announced its latest original anime project, “Apocalypse Hotel.” Set to premiere in 2025, the series takes place in a historic hotel on a post-apocalyptic Earth where humanity has vanished. While details of the plot remain under wraps, the involvement of notable talent has already garnered attention. Takemoto Izumi, known for “Aoi-chan Panic!” and the “Neko Me~waku” series, will handle character design, while series composition will be led by Murakoshi Shigeru, famous for his work on “Zombie Land Saga.”
The project is a joint effort between CyberAgent and CygamesPictures, a subsidiary of Cygames established in 2016. CygamesPictures, initially focused on adaptations of games and manga, ventured into original content earlier this year with “Yuki Bakuhatsu Burn Braeburn.” “Apocalypse Hotel” represents the studio’s first collaboration with CyberAgent and marks a significant milestone in its expansion into original anime production.
CyberAgent has been aggressively growing its anime business, leveraging acquisitions such as Nelke Planning and Nitroplus, and integrating them into its content distribution platform, AbemaTV. This latest project with CygamesPictures is expected to further solidify CyberAgent’s position in the anime industry as it continues to broaden its creative horizons.