“COMIC Meteor” since 2012, has seen three successful animations. Notably, its strategy of releasing cut-out videos “faster than illegal” under KADOKAWA’s Creator Support Program (CSP) has garnered attention. The CSP, a derivative creation management and revenue sharing service, enables creators to publish review videos and cut-out clips on platforms like Niconico and YouTube, diverging from traditional anime business constraints.
Previously, guidelines for derivative creations were limited to the anime’s third season, allowing a maximum of 10 minutes per episode for YouTube content. The “End of the Century” edition, however, breaks these boundaries by permitting unrestricted use of its content. Adhering to the guidelines, creators can publish and monetize these videos.
“Jashin-chan Dropkick [End of the Century Edition]” not only represents a creative leap in anime storytelling but also redefines the relationship between content creators and the anime industry. Priced at 300 yen, the video data’s availability on Amazon, coupled with CSP participation, offers a unique opportunity for channel operators to distribute derivative works and original videos, creating a new revenue stream in the evolving landscape of anime distribution.