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Hyundai Mobis to Initiate Level 4 Autonomous Driving Tests in Incheon

Collaborating with local authorities and over 20 partners, Hyundai Mobis aims to refine urban autonomous driving technologies on a 60-km route
South Korea
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Hyundai Mobis Co., ranked as the sixth-largest global auto component manufacturer, announced plans to commence Level 4 autonomous vehicle testing in the Incheon regions of Songdo and Yeongjongdo. The testing phase, slated to run from April this year until next year, is part of a strategic partnership with the Incheon Free Economic Zone Authority and Incheon Technopark.

The initiative is designed to accelerate the commercial viability of autonomous driving technologies through extensive real-world trials. Hyundai Mobis will deploy a specially equipped test vehicle to navigate a challenging 60-kilometer urban circuit, notably including the expansive Incheon Bridge. This test route, primarily in urban settings rather than highways, is intended to assess the vehicle’s advanced computing capabilities necessary for Level 4 autonomy.

The collaborative effort includes more than 20 domestic automotive software development startups, research institutes, and universities, highlighting a significant push towards innovation in South Korea’s automotive technology sector. This collective approach aims not only to refine the technology but also to bolster the regional economy through cutting-edge research and development in autonomous driving solutions.

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