Netflix is expanding its anime lineup with a stop-motion adaptation of Sanrio’s My Melody franchise, marking the first collaboration between the streaming giant and the Japanese character company on a stop-motion project. The series, titled “My Melody & Kuromi,” will launch globally in July 2025.
WIT Studio, known for hit anime series “Attack on Titan” and “SPY×FAMILY,” is venturing into new territory with this project through its TORUKU stop-motion division, established in 2020. Rising director Tomoki Misato, who gained recognition for “PUI PUI Molcar,” will helm the series.
The show follows the adventures of My Melody, a beloved character created in 1975, and her rival Kuromi, introduced in 2005, in their fictional homeland of Maryland. This marks the first stop-motion adaptation in My Melody’s 50-year history.
The project aligns with Sanrio’s strategy to diversify beyond Hello Kitty and boost global recognition for its other characters. Industry analysts suggest the Netflix partnership could significantly expand My Melody’s international appeal, particularly given the platform’s broad reach and the growing popularity of Japanese content worldwide.