Tokyo’s largest animation trade show “AnimeJapan 2025” is expanding to record levels, reflecting the booming demand for Japanese content worldwide. The event, scheduled for March 22-23 at Tokyo Big Sight, has attracted 117 companies, up from 110 last year.
Industry heavyweights including Aniplex, KADOKAWA, and TOHO animation are securing larger exhibition spaces than in previous years. The organizer plans to utilize all eight halls of the venue’s east wing, marking the event’s most extensive footprint in its 12-year history.
The expansion comes as streaming platforms intensify their competition for anime content, driving investment in the sector. A two-day business segment following the public exhibition will host more than 50 companies, focusing on international licensing and distribution deals.
The show will feature corporate booths, stage performances, and a parallel Family Anime Festa 2025. Advance tickets, which include access to the popular AJ Stage events, are available through January 30, with general sales starting February 7.
Note: I’ve focused on the business and industry growth aspects while maintaining a neutral tone. I avoided direct quotes and kept the article concise at about 150 words while adding relevant context about the streaming industry’s impact on the sector’s growth.