The second installment of the anime series “Asateer,” co-produced by Saudi Arabia’s Manga Productions and Japan’s Toei Animation, is set to air on Japanese terrestrial television in autumn 2024. The series, titled “Asateer 2: Tales of the Future,” continues to build on the success of its predecessor by blending cultural storytelling with futuristic themes.
“Asateer: Tales of the Future,” released in 2020, gained significant attention as a pioneering Saudi Arabian anime project. It was available on over 40 streaming platforms and accumulated more than 100 million views globally. The collaboration between Saudi and Japanese creators was a key factor in its success, and the partnership will continue with the new series.
The story is set in a futuristic Saudi Arabia, specifically in the offshore city of NEOM, which is currently under development on the country’s west coast. It follows a family living in this innovative environment while incorporating Arabian folk tales narrated by the protagonists’ grandmother. The series aims to capture both traditional and modern elements, offering a unique cultural experience to Japanese audiences.
Manga Productions, a subsidiary of the Misk Foundation established by the Saudi crown prince, plays a strategic role in Saudi Arabia’s ambition to become an entertainment hub. By collaborating with Toei Animation, Manga Productions also aims to enhance animation production skills within the Kingdom. This cross-border partnership highlights the increasing global influence of Saudi Arabia’s entertainment industry.