Tsumugi Akita Anime Lab, based in Akita City, Akita Prefecture, has announced a strategic business partnership with Bandai Namco Filmworks, a powerhouse in the animation industry. This collaboration, announced on May 14, 2024, is set to foster the creation of new animation works and related intellectual properties.
Currently, both companies are collaboratively producing the TV anime series “When I Reincarnated, I Was the Seventh Prince, So I’ll Master My Magic,” based on a popular light novel. This partnership aims to deepen their cooperative relationship, leveraging each other’s strengths to enhance creative output and continuous production capabilities.
Bandai Namco Filmworks plans to solidify its infrastructure for consistent innovation in anime production. Tsumugi Akita Anime Lab, founded in 2017 by Tsumugi Sakurai, is enhancing its production environment to support continuous animation output. Notably, the studio has incorporated cutting-edge technologies into its workflow, including Unreal Engine for background art and a fully digital production process, allowing for efficient production with fewer personnel.
The collaboration between Tsumugi Akita Anime Lab and Bandai Namco Filmworks, which also operates under the prestigious Sunrise brand and owns several subsidiary studios like Bandai Namco Pictures, Actus, and 8-Bit, promises to amplify their capabilities in animation production. This partnership not only signifies a powerful alliance within the anime sector but also sets a precedent for future collaborative efforts in the industry.